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What Do We Do With Your Student’s Data? - Your Questions Answered

With the last few years catapulting the education world into the realms of edtech, the increasing use of online resources from both teachers and students has understandably got people either curious or cautious. The number one priority of a teacher is the welfare of their students, and this doesn’t stop in the digital world, particularly when students step into said digital world as part of the classroom environment.

At Mangahigh, we know full well and empathise with the concerns around the capturing and usage of student data. With so many digital avenues for students to go down, how can you make sure the personal details of your students stay safe online?

For us to help with any concerns you may have, we’ve compiled below the most commonly asked questions we get asked regarding student data privacy here at Mangahigh, to provide transparency on what we do and don’t do around the student data we have on our platform.

What student information do you capture and why?

When you sign up to Mangahigh, we ask for 6 pieces of information regarding your students:

  1. Username - This can be an anonymous name for each student or their first and last name if put in by the teacher

  2. Class name - To ensure each student is working in the right class

  3. User ID - An anonymous login number or word either provided by the teacher or auto-generated by the Mangahigh platform

  4. Password - Provided by the teacher or auto-generated by the Mangahigh platform so students can login independently

  5. Year of birth - So the Mangahigh platform can provide recommended activities suitable to the student’s age

  6. Curriculum focus - To ensure the right activities are provided for your students to play

Whilst using Mangahigh, we also capture data around how your students are using Mangahigh. This information is used to populate the reports on the Mangahigh dashboard so you can see how your students’ learning is progressing. This includes:

  • Activities assigned, attempted and passed

  • Number of medals achieved per student

  • Number of activities played through assignments and those played independently

  • Time spent (in minutes) on Mangahigh during school hours - this is based on the time the student is online in accordance with the school hours set by the teacher on the account

Who can see the students’ data?

All data from Mangahigh is stored securely on our servers, with only authorised team members being able to access it (e.g. customer support should you need help creating student logins). Other teachers within your school account can see your students’ data. Externally (such as viewing the top 10 students of another school) students' names are abbreviated to first name and surname initial to provide anonymity. No one externally can see your students’ data, unless you share it with them. We at Mangahigh will never share your students’ data anywhere.

Do you share/sell students’ data?

We never share or sell any students’ data to third parties.

What personal data do you have of my students?

We have no personal data on students except their name and birth year if provided by the teacher or the student themselves during their account setup. If you don’t want to give us your students’ names we can provide anonymous usernames for them instead.

Do you communicate with my students directly?

We do not communicate with any students. The only messaging tool on Mangahigh is between teachers and students. If any students contact us through other means (e.g. social media) we encourage them to get in touch with their teacher, and share no details online.

What do you do to protect students’ data?

Alongside two certified GDPR practitioners within our team, we are also registered with the UK ICO. As part of this, we are bound to only hold limited data which is deemed relevant and necessary to provide Mangahigh. At Mangahigh we love helping students get excited and excelling at learning maths, and strive to ensure the safest environment possible for them. We keep up to date with the latest data guidelines, and welcome any questions or concerns you may have. Our full privacy policy can be found here, but if you prefer talking to someone, drop us an email and we will gladly have a chat!



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