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5 Ways To Boost Student Engagement

Keeping your students engaged with the content they are learning is essential to successful teaching. In recent years, studies have indicated that the human attention span is shrinking and we're easily distracted. It is therefore vital for teachers to make sure that their students are attentive and engaging with the material they are being taught in the classroom. Let's explore some ways in which teachers can boost student engagement.

Using humour is a great way to keep your students entertained and interested during lesson time. Studies have shown that sharing a laugh with your class can have multiple benefits including increasing self-motivation, reducing anxiety and boosting an interest in learning amongst students. Some teachers have also mentioned that getting a smile or a laugh out of their class is a win in itself, making their students feel more comfortable. Slip a little bit of comedy into your teaching style, perhaps a meme or a pun related to the subject. (just make sure you don't turn the entire lesson into a standup routine!)

Using digital resources in the classroom can also be a great way to grasp the attention of your students for longer. High quality educational platforms have spent years of research to develop content to keep students engaged with their learning. Platforms like Reading Eggs and Gametize make it easy for teachers to implement gamification to their lessons by creating their own custom learning challenges, quizzes and flashcards. These attention grabbing activities resonate with students and help them understand school subjects through an enjoyable medium with a hint of healthy competition.

Mangahigh intertwines mathematical principles into the game mechanics, allowing students to engage with the content they're learning in class in a fun interactive format. Research has found that the concept of challenges within educational games can improve engagement, with students becoming more engaged as the difficulty levels increase. Try introducing a new topic through a digital resource to really get your students interested from the get go!

Remember to encourage your students through praise. By praising effort, improvement and good behaviour where due, teachers can get the most out of their classes. Regular use of praise has led to better student/teacher relationships and reduction in behavioural issues, making it easier for children to focus in class. When their progress is highlighted to them, students will be better engaged with their learning. Mangahigh's use of medals reinforces engagement, with different levels of rewards helping students stay focused on progressing and working towards new learning goals.

Weaving in a few pop culture references into your lesson plans can help engage your pupils in the classroom. Find out what TV shows, music and video games your students are enjoying or keep an eye on what is trending in current affairs and then implement these elements into your lessons. Never underestimate the power of a topical meme! Adding a level of relatability to the content for your students should help boost their engagement in class as well as their understanding.

Fun activities in lessons will also increase engagement. Throw in a weekly interactive element to your lesson plans, whether that being a virtual quiz, icebreaker, a team game or a group work challenge. These activities allow students to interact with one another whilst also building an understanding of the content that they have been taught.

You can try out 1,000s of our fun activities and games on which show just how great maths can really be! Click here to start a free trial or speak to our team directly if you'd like to know more!

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