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Lesson Plans


Check out our lesson plans

Aimed at children aged 5-16 years old, Mangahigh covers all maths concepts such as number, algebra, geometry, measurement, statistics and probability, as well as the coding languages of Scratch, Python and Blockly.


With content developed by educators and teachers, homeschools can use Mangahigh to assign activities to your learners, keep track of their progress and continue to challenge them with our adaptive technology.


Mangahigh can also help as a tutor for your child. Use it to reinforce what is taught in school, prepare for exams, practice tricky concepts at home and challenge your children further.


Mangahigh provides a safe environment that provides the right level of challenge to allow your learners to achieve their best.


Start a free trial today and you'll see exactly how it can help your child!

Get started now with Mangahigh for free

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